Week in the life of a 19-year old Architecture Student living in South Africa, Johannesburg

ArchiWeek: 19-year old Architecture Student living in South Africa, Johannesburg

Written by Hannah, Edited by Aliya @archistudentnotes

This week we have a week in the life submission from Hannah, an Architecture Student living and studying in South Africa, Johannesburg.

Would you have tackled the week any differently?



Starting the week feeling verryyy determined to get a lot done and stay ahead of due dates.

Had a full day of studio, site visit and lectures.

Note from Aliya @archistudentnotes: Great start from Hannah, always best to start the week on a positive note with plans on how to be productive and get things done.



Lost the previous day’s motivation completely.

Went to campus ready to work but couldn’t get myself to do anything, decided to take the day off to allow myself to recover from whatever was going on.

Note from Aliya @archistudentnotes: Great self-awareness shown here. Realising that actally time would be better spent resting and recharging instead of trying to push through



Another day of lectures.

Kept my mind busy and ready to work again. went ‘dumpster diving’ with a friend to find cardboard to build models, much cheaper than buying sheets for models we’re going to destroy anyway lol

Mid Week Plug

Enjoying this weeks ArchiWeek? Interested in sharing your own week?


Another mess of a day.

Not sure why this week was so chaotic but I skipped the day of studio to work on my model and drawings at home (hardly did anything the whole day)

Note from Aliya @archistudentnotes: When I have felt like this in the past it has usually been because I have been overwhelmed by the amount of tasks I have left to do.. and basically do nothing. Its in these moments we need to take the time to do some self reflection and get back on track.



Catching a flight home for the weekend, hoping and praying that next week goes better than this week - got a lot to catch up on

And that’s the week!

Thank you so much to Hannah for this weeks submission. It was interesting reading a week that started with good intentions but that didn’t end up being super productive, it is very common as an architecture student but there are ways to get around it and keep that motivation throughout the week. If you are in a similar situation check out this post on how to avoid burnout. - archistudentnotes.com/blog/avoiding-burnout-as-an-architecture-student

If you’re interested in sharing your own ArchiWeek, your own reflection - click here!

Need help organising your own week?


Week in the life of a 22-year old Architecture Student living in San Diego, California


Week in the life of a 20-year old Architecture Student living in Christchurch, New Zealand