Week in the life of a 19-year old 2nd year Architecture Student studying and living in Leeds, United Kingdom
Written Izzy @Izzysarchitecture, Edited by Aliya @archistudentnotes
This week we have a week in the life submission from Izzy, a 19 year-old 2nd architecture student studying BA Architecture at Leeds Beckett University.
Would you have tackled the week any differently?
Monday was a chaotic day that started slowly - most of the day was spent trying to sort out a rent issue with our tenancy!
However I did manage to get some contextual drawings for my first design project as well as a few precedent studies done - I completed a plan and section to scale. I find precedents difficult to format because I always end up in an absolute rabbit hole and start researching all sort of stuff I don’t need!
Note from Aliya @archistudentnotes: Completely get that, but sometimes as long as its a controlled decent down the rabbit hole - it can be helpful! Might lead somewhere you didn’t plan on going but in the end is really helpful!
Tuesday is our design studio day & our longest day in. I made it longer by going in half an hour earlier & staying an extra 1.5! I find once I’m in studio I can be so much more productive than if I’m at home.
I presented and got some feedback on my precedents, and then we started site analysis. I know the city we are investigating but not well, so I’m excited for our trip next week. I began creating a digital map so I can do my analysis over the top; but it is very tedious work! As part of our project we are investigating sustainability within the food cycle so I started getting some research and ideas on that.
On Wednesdays I have a skill session learning Rhino software in the mornings - I find the software very confusing as it’s my first time using 3D software, but alongside the lecturer I find using YouTube tutorials for the parts I missed!
After this I ended up going home and not doing much - once I see my bed I struggle to get the motivation to get out of it! I did sort out some more of my files and got some more “domestic” chores that needed doing sorted.
Note from Aliya @archistudentnotes: Excellent work managing to get some productive chores when you didn’t have the motivation to do anything else!
Mid Week Plug
Enjoying this weeks ArchiWeek? Interested in sharing your own week?
Our tutor really helpfully cancelled our lesson 15 minutes before it started on Thursday morning which meant I was already sitting in the room ready to go!!
I made my way to a local cafe instead and worked in there for a few hours - sorting out my digital map (time consuming) and continuing to sketch some ideas out for site analysis. I also researched some of the history of the areas we are visiting next week to get my head around how the area came to be.
I only have two lectures in the afternoon on Fridays but they are quite full on and a lot of information at once!
On Friday morning I just pottered about the house. Went down to my lectures; the first one is Technology and is very engineering and materiality based. It was our first proper lecture of this semester so it was mostly introductory but I can see following the brief that they are going to get more complex! I prefer to take notes on a Google doc on my laptop so they auto save.
I then went across to my context lecture which is about tensions within cities - it’s one of my favourite topics as I’m really interested in sociopolitical factors of architecture, so that one felt like it flew by! Going home on Friday I went to bed early as I was starting work on Saturday at 8am.
And that’s the week!
Thank you so much to Izzy @Izzysarchitecture for this weeks submission. It was great reading a productive but balance week as an architecture student.
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