5 things to do before A-Level Results Day
1. Be ready for anything
You might think you have a good idea of what your grades are but as scary as it is - you don’t actually know so it’s best to be prepared for the positive and the not so positive outcomes (more on that below!)
2. Do the admin beforehand.
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
Have a notebook for the day, this is to keep everything in one place and be as organised as possible on one of the busiest days for students and universities.
Have your UCAS ID ready on the first page - remember to check your password is correct!
The next few pages should include useful phone numbers: UCAS phone number followed by phone numbers of other university options.
If you end up needing to go through clearing, login to UCAS track and make note of your personal clearing number in your notebook as well.
3. Have other options.
Research other universities and make a clear note of their admissions/clearing/adjustment phone numbers. This is not me being negative, you might get higher grades than expected and want to go to a different uni or yes, you might have got lower grades and have no choice but to try and find a different uni.
Either way A Level results Day is incredibly busy and can be fast paced with regards to university places so it will help you to have options either completely well researched or least in the back of your mind as alternatives for both situations!
4. Be aware of Adjustment and Clearing.
If you do better than expected as mentioned you could go to a university with a higher grade requirements (Note, I did not say a ‘better’ university). This process is called Adjustment and is available from Results Day 10th August 2021 to 12th August 2021.
If you didn’t meet your grades and as a result did not get into the university of your choice you can go through the Clearing process. Clearing is basically a process where a university will have spaces due to people dropping out or not meeting their grades, the university will ‘offer’ these spaces out to students who have met their Clearing requirements, which could be different from the original requirements so do check! Clearing has actually been open since 5th July and doesn’t close till 19th October, I would however prep to try and get a place preferably on that first day or if not at least with the first 2-3 days.
5. Get in the right frame of mind.
Your grades are already out there, you’ve done the work - maybe you did enough, maybe you didn’t. All you can do know is deal with your results in the best way possible. Get a good nights sleep the night before, meditate, watch tv, whatever you feel works best for you!
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash
Good luck! 👍