How to prepare for your new Architecture Job
Sign the Contract
First things first. Nothing is final until you and your employer have signed the contract! As I am leaving one position for another I didn’t give notice until all was confirmed and I would recommend you do the same to avoid any issues.
Finish any outstanding PEDR Sheets
As 3 month PEDR sheet can not be signed by more than one mentor so getting my most recent (Plus a couple of old records) complete and signed off has been a top priority for me so that I can have a fresh start in a new practice!
Learn new Software
Different architectural firms use different software and if you have the time before you start I would definitely recommend getting some practice in on the software the firm use. My new firm use Revit so I will be familiarizing myself with it before my first day!
Practice your Skills
This is vague but for good reason as you need to research the skills needed for the job, assess your skill level and pratice appropriately. My new firm for example does a lot of hand drawing so I am practicing my hand drawing skills before I start!
Expand your Knowledge
Again, vague but its because it is dependent on what you already know and what you feel you need to know going into a new job! For me, I am going to do more research into the firm, read up on Practice Management and study technical precedents!