How to save money on architecture books as an architecture student
Architecture books, usually the ones you need can be very expensive if you don’t have unlimited funds. I, personally do not have unlimited funds and a book for £30/£40+ is way out of my price range.. If you're the same...keep reading...
Find an online version
If you're okay with online pdf documents or websites then finding online versions of physical books is your best bet. It should be the same content with only difference being that it’s digital. Depending on the document and what access you have, you can either download a copy of the book or view online. Wherever you can, try and download a copy rather than having to view online. Save it to your computer, a Google Drive or USB stick for easy access whenever you need it. It is also a great way to start building up a library to use throughout your architectural education.
Either way with a digital version, you should (hopefully) be able to search the book/document for key words with Ctrl + F, keep everything on your computer or tablet and create your own online and portable library.
Borrow from the library
The library and more specifically the books within the library are a truly underutilized resource for architecture students. From my experience, Architecture students tend to use the library as a study space but almost forget the thousands of books that could aid a project or be a source of inspiration a few steps away. If for whatever reason, you don't like online versions, the library should be your first stop.
Check if your local or university library have a way of virtually searching for what you need prior to actually going or looking yourself to save some time or if not ask a member of staff.
Ask peers/colleagues
As an architecture student, having a completely free day during term time or even out of term time, especially if you are working towards a deadline is rare. So a job with shorter shift patterns, allows you to fit your paid work in around a lecture or a seminar.
I would recommend shift patterns during/around normal working hours so between, lets say 8am and 8pm depending on your schedule with shifts between 4 and 5 hours long. Plenty of time to make money, plently of time to do your work!
Buy secondhand
If all else fails/isn't the right option for you, then buy the book second hand. Amazon is a great place for this as they have a sliding scale for the condition of the book. In the past I have done this even for books I use everyday like the construction illustrated book as it is quite expensive new. Also, like with asking your peers, a good place to start is with the students in the years above. If the book is for a particular project, chances are they might already have it.
I hope this was helpful for you and if you have any more ideas or comments, please feel free to leave them below.
See you in the next one!